We’re totally overwhelmed. Our new album ENJOY DYSTOPIA has entered the official German album charts on
rank 4! It’s hard to believe… We’d like to thank you for making this possible. A special thank you goes to our record label
Out Of Line Music, out booking agency
Protain Concerts, out wonderful
fanclub Shadowplay and out phantastic live crew! You are an amazing family! And we’re honoured to have the best fans in the world! You are awesome!
Tomorrow you can have breakfast with us at
Radio HaZZard of Darkness. From 10am to 1 pm we’ll be guests in their webstream.
And the latest episode of our
podcast is available! We answer some of your questions regarding the new album, Jeans tells the promised story about Blixa, and we have one quick quiz and another ‘ear-bleeding’. If you want to write us, send questions or quick quizzes, send us an email to podcast@solarfake.de